shouyu55’s blog


No Sense of Distance


そ れなのに、グーグルマップはあと4kmという。人に聞いて、バスにのり、結構のっているので、おかしいなあと思いながら、‘Ronさんのナビゲートでなん とかたどり着いた。注射はすぐにおわり、帰りの駅を探す。。なんかおかしいと思ったのは、最寄の駅が違ったせいだった。


I totally confused the date of injection was on Wednesday, it was on Monday.
Since Ron called the hospital for me to let them know I would be late, I headed there.

I believed that I was able to reached the station nearest the hospital and it should be walling distance, however, Google map said it took 4km walk. I walked and walked and walked. Even for me, I suspected I was in lost, then asked a lady where is the hospital, took a bus and asked the driver if the bus was going to there. Somehow it took some time to deliver me to the nearest bus station. I was wandering why?? Anyhow, with Ron's help, I was able to reach there. The shot was very quick and done. After the shot, I try finding the skytrain station, and found very quickly.. why...that is because the station was different... OZ