shouyu55’s blog


I met a Blue J







そっちにあげようとしたら、青い鳥は飛び立った もう一回こないかな


Ron was all exhausted. Because he just worked after the long day-off after the day-surgery.
I, when I can, do massage him, but his muscle of today was too stiff to be loose everywhere.
His big back like a canvas for painting was very stiff.
 Ron says my own massage therapy is good, but it is just come from my heat not by skilled something.


When I was writing this diary, I was able to meet the blue J which Ron had seen the other day. The moment was that when I had seen a small black bird with yellow beak and brought some bread for her, she was gone, then, a blue J appeared instead. He has a long blue tale and was roosting on the tree in front of our apartment. When I opened the window to try to feed him, he took wings. I hope I will see him again.