shouyu55’s blog


My Summary 1

Summary of "The Agiing Eye"


In the essay, “The Aging Eye”, the author asserts that older eyes cause some significant problems and how the periodic eye examination for the early treatments is important. It begins by introducing how our eye’s functions age and what good eyesight is.  Then, it explains the major aged eyes troubles and the symptoms. It also suggests the best avoidance and the treatment to the problems. Presbypia gives you less focus on near objects. Reading glasses or bifocals are effective on this. Floaters is seen tiny, moving, dark spots. This eye problem is not fixable; however, it needs some treatment when it behaves unusual way. Watery or Dry eyes comes with extra or fewer tear. When these problems happen, the patient needs to see an eye physician for prompt treatment. Cataract generates a white cloud on eye’s lense. It is mostly fixed by surgery. Glaucoma comes from excessive water pressure on eyes. It needs a prompt treatment to stop the progress. When it is found late, it is too late to stop. The most important action to avoid this disease is to take a regular professional eye check by two years. The author concludes that most vision problems can be treated by regular eye examination and proper eyeglasses or bifocals. So the author recommends that seeing an eye physician once a year is important especially for people over the age of 40.

My Essay 9



                                 Three Good Ways to Manage Stress


                People often say that rabbits die of grief or loneliness if left alone. Whether this is literally true or not, it shows that stress is a significant issue for all creatures. This includes humans, as well. We all have been under stress in one form or another since we were born. Babies cry when they feel uncomfortable or afraid. Adults feel some stress in basic social life. Old people feel stress from body pain and anxiety. In short, stress exists from birth until death from every living species. There are several kinds of stress; the three of main causes of stress are by work overloads, depression, and relationship conflicts. Fortunately, each type of stress can be relieved through different methods.

                 Most people feel extremely fatigued and stressed-out when they work at a full-time job and with overtime added and home chore after work, stress increases even more. To manage the heavy job loads, they try to get by with minimum sleep, such as two or three hours per a day. Then, their bodies lose balance. Life becomes awkward and sickly. Unbalanced bodies often dull the brain and demand extra nutrition. The best way to solve the problem is, of course, to go home early, get enough sleep and food. However, it’s sometimes difficult to do. Another way to release the stress is to eat comfort food, drink excessive amounts of alcohol to relax and induce a deep sleep in a short period of time. In addition, exercise is an asset; even small amounts can be effective in stimulating your bodies’ recovery. Exercise such as stretching and fast walking can help as well. Stress is related to body condition.

                 Depression is one further type of stress. This type of stress is caused the pressure and sadness. People under big pressure often hold onto stress by themselves inside. Too much stress may cause unusual and complicated diseases such as cancers and strokes. To release stress, humor and laughing is one of the cheapest and easiest ways. You can turn on your TV, set it to your favorite comedy channel and laugh as much as possible. Laughing reduces your stress levels dramatically, and can make a big difference to mental health. Even with a brief moment of humor, your brain knows you are smiling and enjoying life again. Once you recall how to smile and laugh, you are ready to confront current and new pressure with a fresh view point. Another serious mental issue is depression stress caused by sadness. This depression is very difficult to overcome; many people die each year from suicide unless they are helped. However, crying can often bring a relief to your mind. It is said that the tear drops of depression contain more proteins than normal. People often say that they become clear-mind after crying, and yet they don’t know why. I have experienced this relief in the same way. I strongly recommend crying to everyone because tears seem to wash away stress when you are stuck in a period of tough times.

                 A third type of stress is caused by relationship conflicts. This happens everywhere: at home, at the work place, with neighbours, and sometimes with relatives. For instance, at work, your co-worker who should possess common sense does not. He/she does a messy job without concern. This can irritate everyone enormously. Your neighbours who live in their own little worlds and persist on pressing their own ideas on everyone can be very frustrating for everyone. In cases such as these, imagine some TV anime characters with strong personalities, apply these characters to your troublesome neighbours, and observe them as a viewer. This method is very effective because you are watching TV anime characters become the neighbour. Soon, you will find yourself enjoying in both reality and a TV show at the same time.

                 In conclusion, we encounter stressors every day, so, we need to get control of the problems that create the stress. Stress caused by rushed life style can be often solved with efficient sleep, food and drink. You may escape from depression by changing your thinking and focusing on recovery. Relationship conflicts can often be solved by observing and actions. Stress is unpreventable; however, we can at least minimize the effects of it by addressing and solving underlining causes. These solutions can help us find and enjoy a better life.      

My Summary 3

Summary of “Canadians and Americans: Is There a Difference?”


In “Canadians and Americans: Is There a Difference?” Mayra Perea states typical misunderstandings in many countries that Canadians and Americans are all the same; however, they have quite different philosophies according to the author. To clarify the different thinking between Canadians and Americans, the author cites Maclean’s Decima Two-Nations Poll, which suggests that there are three basic different: their views held by Canadians versus Americans’ view on the environment, the economy and social issues. Canadians consider the environment as most important even before their self-interests, while for Americans, materialism is a priority. The author states that the Maclean’s Poll gives examples of the driving attitudes between the two nationalities. Economics is a second issue. America has a solid internal economic base, while Canada depends on international trade. The author explains how stable America’s economy is and how dependant Canada’s is. The third difference is in the social service. Canada’s excellent medical system offers free, equitable, adequate basic health care. By contrast, America’s social services are unfair and expensive. The author concludes that Canadians and Americans have many more different perspectives than the three points stated above; they are very different.

My Summary 2

Summary: Labouring the Walmart Way


Parmar describes the high cost of Walmart’s business success in “Labouring the Walmart Way.” He begins by quoting Walmart’s slogan “Always low prices, Always.”, and exposes Walmart’s marketing strategy for how to offer consumers the lowest prices possible. He then poses questions about Walmart’s ethics and the company’s effects on the labour force in Canada and the U.S.A. He reveals Walmart’s hiring strategy; that is, Walmart has failed to pay more than a million workers a decent living wage. Consequently, many of Walmart’s employees need to collect social assistance to make ends meet. Parmar continues that Walmart enforces a union-free workplace attitude to keep wages low and keep benefits down. In addition, Walmart workers endure working overtime with no extra pay although this union-busting attitude is against the law in the U.S.A. He cites that Walmart’s influence on industry labour practices that have consequences for small businesses. They have to recompetitive; otherwise, they go out of business. Parmer concludes that even with the ethical issues above, Walmart’s business model will always survive. Therefore, legislation is necessary to balance the profits of big business with fair pay for employees.

My Essay 8

SuThree Types of Tourist


      In Vancouver and other popular destinations, we see several types of people who come on short, medium, and longer-term trip with different time schedules and purposes. For instance, we see sightseers, people who come to visit their family and friends, workers on business trips, medium stay visitors, and people seeking to become permanent residents. Often, it is hard to tell who is just visiting, who is staying for months, or who plan to stay forever. It is almost impossible to tell residents from visitors. In this regard, people are tourists to begin with and tourists can be classified into three types: short trip, medium travel, and long voyage.

     The first type of tourist is the short-term tripper. This type of tourist usually comes in groups of people on a bus, accompanied by a multi-lingual guide and, is forced to maintain a very tight schedule. Their main purpose is to enjoy sightseeing as many famous landmarks as possible in a few hours or days. They often gather and walk around with the bus guide who, explains the local culture in their language. They may get some free time; however, in order to comply with the tight schedule, they must follow the guide’s instruction and keep an eye on the clock. In most cultures, tourists like to buy souvenirs for relatives, co-workers, and neighbors so that they can tell their friends and co-workers how good their trip was. They take a decent amount of time to shop for souvenirs even during their very tight schedule. Many short-term trippers are Asian, because most of the Asia companies don’t allow their workers to take long vacations. They must choose a short-term trip with very busy schedules. Short-terms trips are extremely busy and sometimes seem unenjoyable; however, it is often said that short-term tours are really time effective and enjoyable. Somehow, hurried tourists remember more landscapes and icons than do longer-term tourists.

     A second type of tourist is the medium-term traveler. They tend to travel for a couple of weeks to months. They don’t need a tight schedule; therefore, they can enjoy nice restaurants, spend peaceful times on local beaches, and talk with friendly residents. These tourists have ample time frames to relax and enjoy their days and usually have enough money in their pockets. Medium-term travelers tend to be North Americans and Europeans. These travelers’ main purpose is to get rest, relaxation, and enjoy local entertainment. They can spend their time more leisurely than can short-term trippers. They can pace their vacations properly and don’t need to be concerned with souvenirs for others. It seems that this type of tourist is ideal. 

     The third type of tourist is the long-term voyager with longer-term plans. This type of voyagers tends to visit for months, even years. Sometimes they stay permanently. Many long-term voyagers stay in motorhomes and go wherever and whenever they choose to. Others rent or even buy a condo, live in the same place, and eventually, become permanent residents. These long-term voyagers are much like gypsies. When they have had enough of the place, they move to another and restart their voyage. Sometimes, they stay in one place and put down roots permanently. Then, their voyage is finally complete. Looking back on my own life, I have always been one type of tourist. I was a short-term tripper when I visited Vancouver on a school trip. I was a medium-term traveler when I stayed in Vancouver for months as an international student years ago, and then encountered my husband. Now, I am living on Vancouver Island as a permanent resident. My current voyage with my husband continues.

     In the end, everyone is a tourist. Purposes may vary from person to person, but time frame is always a point to consider. Time efficiency, and extraordinary experiences are important for short-term trippers, rest, relaxation and leisure are essential for medium-term travelers, and making a life is crucial for long-term voyagers. I believe, however, that one of the main purposes of any tourist is to try to get as much understanding about the places, cultures and local peoples as they can. This attitude leads tourists to a comfortable state, both physically and mentally, and is an important part of their life.

My Essay 8

Three Types of Tourist


      In Vancouver and other popular destinations, we see several types of people who come on short, medium, and longer-term trip with different time schedules and purposes. For instance, we see sightseers, people who come to visit their family and friends, workers on business trips, medium stay visitors, and people seeking to become permanent residents. Often, it is hard to tell who is just visiting, who is staying for months, or who plan to stay forever. It is almost impossible to tell residents from visitors. In this regard, people are tourists to begin with and tourists can be classified into three types: short trip, medium travel, and long voyage.

     The first type of tourist is the short-term tripper. This type of tourist usually comes in groups of people on a bus, accompanied by a multi-lingual guide and, is forced to maintain a very tight schedule. Their main purpose is to enjoy sightseeing as many famous landmarks as possible in a few hours or days. They often gather and walk around with the bus guide who, explains the local culture in their language. They may get some free time; however, in order to comply with the tight schedule, they must follow the guide’s instruction and keep an eye on the clock. In most cultures, tourists like to buy souvenirs for relatives, co-workers, and neighbors so that they can tell their friends and co-workers how good their trip was. They take a decent amount of time to shop for souvenirs even during their very tight schedule. Many short-term trippers are Asian, because most of the Asia companies don’t allow their workers to take long vacations. They must choose a short-term trip with very busy schedules. Short-terms trips are extremely busy and sometimes seem unenjoyable; however, it is often said that short-term tours are really time effective and enjoyable. Somehow, hurried tourists remember more landscapes and icons than do longer-term tourists.

     A second type of tourist is the medium-term traveler. They tend to travel for a couple of weeks to months. They don’t need a tight schedule; therefore, they can enjoy nice restaurants, spend peaceful times on local beaches, and talk with friendly residents. These tourists have ample time frames to relax and enjoy their days and usually have enough money in their pockets. Medium-term travelers tend to be North Americans and Europeans. These travelers’ main purpose is to get rest, relaxation, and enjoy local entertainment. They can spend their time more leisurely than can short-term trippers. They can pace their vacations properly and don’t need to be concerned with souvenirs for others. It seems that this type of tourist is ideal. 

     The third type of tourist is the long-term voyager with longer-term plans. This type of voyagers tends to visit for months, even years. Sometimes they stay permanently. Many long-term voyagers stay in motorhomes and go wherever and whenever they choose to. Others rent or even buy a condo, live in the same place, and eventually, become permanent residents. These long-term voyagers are much like gypsies. When they have had enough of the place, they move to another and restart their voyage. Sometimes, they stay in one place and put down roots permanently. Then, their voyage is finally complete. Looking back on my own life, I have always been one type of tourist. I was a short-term tripper when I visited Vancouver on a school trip. I was a medium-term traveler when I stayed in Vancouver for months as an international student years ago, and then encountered my husband. Now, I am living on Vancouver Island as a permanent resident. My current voyage with my husband continues.

     In the end, everyone is a tourist. Purposes may vary from person to person, but time frame is always a point to consider. Time efficiency, and extraordinary experiences are important for short-term trippers, rest, relaxation and leisure are essential for medium-term travelers, and making a life is crucial for long-term voyagers. I believe, however, that one of the main purposes of any tourist is to try to get as much understanding about the places, cultures and local peoples as they can. This attitude leads tourists to a comfortable state, both physically and mentally, and is an important part of their life.