shouyu55’s blog



Dear God, Thank you so much for these days. i am, for some reason, releaved. To tell te truth of my mind, eventhough you told me to put You first by the book which barbara gave me, I can't. My first is ron san, i am so sorry. i apologize. …

Dear God, Please let me stay with ron san again and for the rest of our life.God, please give us an opportunity to stay together and bless us.Love you. Ron san, I want to live with you again. Every time i go shopping for groceries, which r…

Ron san is my everything.

I love you ron san, you're my everything. On 2014, we first met. Since then, my misery, no hope life has dramatically changed. You always say you're old and i should find a new guy, but you are the only man for me and my meaning of life. G…

Cod Meuniere

Ronさんといられるのもあと10日くらいなのでRonさんにいいね!と言われるものを作りたい!とはいえ、料理のレパートリーが限られているのと、ここ最近はチキンが続いているそんな折、ちょうどタラが半額になっていた^^ タラのムニエルとマヨネーズサラダ …