shouyu55’s blog



Chili Potato and Greek Salad

昨日はロンさんの調子がわるく、退けられてしまったチリポテトとグリーグサラダ まあこの前数時間前に、コンビーフサンドイッチと先一昨日の残りを食べたからね グリーグサラダは半分くらい食べてたので、残りはいつもどうり私の朝ごはん

Pork Chop

ポークチョップ グレービーソース漬け結構美味しかった後日作った時のフライパン ポークチョップをみりん、しょうゆかオイスターソースにつけとく フライパンでポークチョップを焼き、ちょっと切って、ピンク色じゃなきゃ取り出す 焼いたときに出た肉汁に漬…

Paragraph 2

The Breathtaking View from Our Window The scenery from our living room is kinetic and magnificent art. We see 180-degrees of ocean, islands and sky. The spectacular scenery begins at dawn and continues until dusk in a breathtaking show of …

My Essay 7

Married Life Brings Happy Relief On the news or off the news, we see lots of incidents between couples regarding cheating on their partners or divorcing every day. Every time I saw the love-related cases on the news, I wondered why people …

My Essay 6

Everything in Your Life is Connected The novel that I have chosen is a fiction story, titled “Cast Away”, written by William Broyles Jr. The setting of this novel is in 1995 to 1999, takes place mostly on an uninhabited island in the Pacif…

My Essay 5

Office Clerk and Kitchen Crew Ordinary people have to work to live. Once you look for a job, the options vary.I have work experience in several businesses, and here are two completely opposite jobs. First job I had was as an office clerk. …

My Essay 4

Two Main Reasons that I Like My Sister Most people say that having siblings has some advantages, such as building relationships between each other and sharing common emotions. On the other hand, each person has their own character, sometim…

M Paragraph 1

Three Kinds of Hair Most People have to take care of their hair every day. Even people who don’t have hair any more have experience. Is there any issue with your hair or do you get along with it? There are three types of hair that people h…

My Essay 3

Canada is rich in natural beauty and most Canadians like year-round outdoor nature activities, especially in the summer. Canadians enjoy boating, swimming, cycling, hiking, sunbathing, etc. One of the most popular activities in my city is …

My Essay 2

Shopping Local in Japan Most Canadians go shopping by car. Everybody has a long shopping list and fills up their big shopping carts with groceries and products to last a week or more. Stores like Canadian Super Store, Canadian Tire and Sta…

My Essay 1

Libraries in Canada vs Libraries in Japan The Public Library is a nice place to read books, study and sometimes take a break. Book lovers can borrow any books from the library. If the library doesn’t have a particular book you’re looking f…